Jerry 4 Languages

You are now roaming my personal webpage. I decided to have more sophisticated skills related to information technologies. I had been interested in technologies and science, but I did not penetrate deeper. I was not into them than I had thought I was. Now, I feel like it is perfect time to put more time of mine to them. Making a web blog is the first step. I am not sure how far I may walk further. But I am very excited.

I am studying Chinese, Japanese, English, and Korean. I am a native Korean speaker. I think I am quite good at English and Japanese. But, when it comes to writing, I need to put more time and effort on Japanese. I think I am escaping from the basic level in Chinese. I still see a long way to go until I achieve the proficiency of Chinese. I have written short essays in the four languages weekly. I have done for almost 2 years. I will make this web blog as the archive for the writings. I will also pile up what I have dealt and will deal with in learning the four languages from time to time.

About Me
I am Jerry Hyeongmin Park from South Korea. Now I am living in Malaysia.Just briefly revealing my life for the last decade, originally I was an English teacher in South Korea. I was more like a freelancing English instructor. I enjoyed the career. Having a few days off, I used to travel Japan. It was so much fun to find both similarities and differences between South Korea and Japan. Then, I started to learn Japanese to travel all around Japan more freely and learn more deeply. Then, I felt like working in Japan.In 2018 I moved to Japan. I worked in hospitality businesses. I worked in a traditional hotel with great hot springs around in the countryside for one year. After the one year, I got hired by a holding company in Fukuoka City in Kyushu which has several luxurious restaurants. I was in charge of serving overseas customers. It was so much fun and I learned a lot about Japanese unique craftmanship. However, I had to go back to South Korea due to COVID19. Currently, I am living in Penang in Malaysia after getting a job. So far so good. Everyday I am thrilled with the richness and diversity of Malaysia.